An all-purpose, ultra-strong weatherproof repair tape that quickly fixes rips, holes and gashes in almost all of your outdoor gear, from tents and tarps, inflatables, rain gear, backpacks, blinds, canopies, sleeping bags, hammocks and vinyl rafts. An ultra-aggressive adhesive, that won’t peel off when applied to technical fabrics including nylon and vinyl, instantly seals leaking seams and stops rips from spreading. Available in a variety of colours, offering a barely noticeable solution.
NNB: Wait 24 hours after application and you can machine wash without worrying that the repair tape will peel off.
Tape can be moved or repositioned within 24 hours without leaving behind a sticky residue.
Includes: 1 x Clear Roll
Size: 3.8 x 152.4 cm Roll
Compatible Fabrics: Outdoor Nylon, Vinyl, Rubber & Plastic Fabrics
Weatherproof & Washable
Machine Washable
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